Wednesday, June 27, 2012

First Post to Movin' for Losin'

Hello there fitness friends! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I hope to share all things fitness, dance, nutrition and inspiration-related materials, articles, photos, videos, etc. 

A few years ago, I was certified in teaching Zumba and taught it at different places around Raleigh and Cary. I taught for about a year and half and then took time off to work and focus on my business, Amy's Creative Corner. I found myself missing teaching, dancing, and getting a good workout! I decided to get re-certified in Zumba, which is this coming Saturday. SO EXCITED. Last week, I got re-certified in CPR/First Aid/AED to have that back under my belt too. 

So, I am currently on the hunt for a place(s) to teach Zumba. I have an interview next week at the Aquatic center in Cary and I really hope it goes well. I'd love to teach there.

I'll keep you updated on my locations for teaching Zumba. Meanwhile, I will do my best to keep in shape and eating well.

I look forward to sharing my stories and experiences about fitness and foods and such with you and I hope you feel inspired or at least not alone in this challenge to keep motivated and on track with your body, health and happiness. 

Feel free to contact me with any inspirational stories, good fitness advice or any comments or questions you may have!